Unreliable methods

You’re not ready to have children yet, so you definitely don’t want to get pregnant? You don’t want to get a girl pregnant? Then it’s best to use reliable contraceptives like the pill, condoms or other methods of contraception. Read about the methods that are NOT reliable!

Withdrawal (pull out method)

What you do

The man withdraws his penis from the woman’s vagina just before he ejaculates. Semen doesn’t enter the vagina.


Often semen is released before you think it is so this is not a safe method.

Fertility awareness method (Beat/Rhythm method): length of menstrual cycle

What you do

You don’t have sex on days when the woman is most likely to get pregnant. Women who have regular periods can mark those days on a calendar.

How does that work? Ovulation happens around 14 days after the last day of the last period. That’s when you’re most likely to get pregnant. The chance that an egg will get fertilized is less likely on other days, but it is still possible to get pregnant then too! 


Ovulation is not always on the same day. Perhaps because you’ve had flu or some stress.

It’s very difficult to predict when you’re most likely to be fertile. Your body has its own rhythm, so doesn’t work like a clock or a computer.

Half of the women who use this method get pregnant anyway. 

Fertility awareness method 3: cervical mucus monitoring

What you do

You don’t have sex on days when the woman is most likely to get pregnant. Your cervical mucus gives you an indication. How does that work? The amount of mucus in your vagina tells you how fertile you are.


This method is not reliable. The amount of cervical mucus can be affected by different things.

Natural Family Planning (combined methods)

What you do

Using this method means looking at three things: your menstrual cycle, body temperature and cervical mucus. That helps you to estimate which days you are most likely to get pregnant.

How does that work? The amount of mucus in your vagina tells you how fertile you are. At the same time, you use the body temperature and menstrual cycle methods.


The thickness and color of vaginal mucus is affected by different things. Just like your body temperature and when you ovulate. Your body has its own rhythm, so doesn’t work like a clock or a computer.  

When are these methods suitable?

These four natural methods are only suitable if:

  • You only have sex on days when there’s the least risk of pregnancy.
  • Neither of you would mind if you became parents.
  • She gets her period at exactly the same time every month.
  • She is aware of her menstrual cycle at different times of the day.
  • She has a healthy and steady lifestyle.

Good protection against pregnancy

Want to prevent pregnancy? Then take the pill, use condoms or try another reliable method of contraception.